Hamilton Artists Inc. Audience Survey
Dear members, artists and greater community,

As we navigate the circumstances imposed by the covid-19 pandemic, we are exploring new ways of adapting and offering our programs. We are seeking your input to help us determine where your interests lie, what tools and technologies you have access to, and how we might offer our programs to reach as many of you as possible.

If you are having issues completing this form, please email Programming Director, Abedar Kamgari, at programming@theinc.ca
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Which of the following are you most interested in right now? (Select all that apply)
How many hours per week are you engaging with online programs in your free time?
When are you most likely to tune in to an online program? (Select all that apply)
Early afternoons
Late afternoons
What tools do you have access to? (Select all that apply)
Which of the following platforms do you prefer for accessing online programs such as workshops or talks? (Select all that apply)
On the scale below, please indicate your overall comfort level when using technology.
Not comfortable
Very comfortable
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How do you find out about upcoming Inc. programs? (Select all that apply)
Do you have any accessibility needs?
Is there anything else you would like to tell us?
If the gallery were to re-open to the public, which of these conditions would need to be met before you would feel comfortable visiting? (Select all that apply)
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