St John the Evangelist - Kilbarrack - Foxfield Parish Sacrament of Confirmation 2025
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Child's Name *
Address *
School *
Name of Parent / Guardian(s) *
Phone number of Parent/Guardian *
Email address of Parent/Guardian *
We will need parents to help out at the Confirmation Masses. Please answer Yes below if you are willing to help at any of the preparation masses. 
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St John the Evangelist Kilbarrack - Foxfield Parish is part of the Dublin Diocese, so all children who register for the sacrament of Confirmation in the parish are obliged to receive relevant religious instruction in the two years preceding reception of the Sacraments. This instruction can be part of the school curriculum or in weekly classes with a Religion teacher, following the “Grow in Love” programme. The children will also be expected to attend regular masses as arranged by the Parish.
If your child made their Communion in St. John the Evangelist Kilbarrack-Foxfield Church in 2021 and you consented to us retaining their baptismal certificate on file we will have it on record. If not you will need to  send a copy of your child's Baptismal Certificate by email to or by post/hand to Jenny Colbert, Church of St. John the Evangelist, Greendale Road, Dublin 5.   *
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