Shawnee Smith Fan Project 2024
I will be meeting Shawnee in person this October at the Spookala convention and I want to give her a printed book of fan testimonials that she can look back on for years to come! The purpose of this fan project is to show Shawnee how much we appreciate her and her work. Please share how Shawnee has motivated you, inspired you or impacted your life in any way! Even a simple "Thank you" note goes a long way. Please submit before September 25, 2024 :-)

If you have an questions add me on discord (shiberg) or dm me on instagram (@shibergs)!
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How has Shawnee Smith positively impacted your life? *
What is your favorite Shawnee Smith project?
Anything else you want to add?
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Socials (if you want to promote)
Add a link to a photo of fanart or a selfie if you want to include it!
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