OCRA Virtual Fall Conference Presenter Application 2020
The Orange County Reading Association, is delighted that you are interested in joining us for our virtual Fall Conference on Saturday, October 24, 2020 via Zoom.  Our theme this year is “Best Practices for Learning at Home: Balancing screen-time, we-time, and just being me time." The online conference is scheduled from 8:30 a.m. to 1: 00 p.m.

Breakout session presentations are an integral part of our conference and an important part of our success. Depending on how many presenters we have, you may be asked to present during all three sessions. Each session will be 50 minutes: Session I is from 9:40-10:30, Session II is from 10:40-11:30, and Session III is from 11:40-12:30.  

Please submit your application by September 27th.

Once we make our selection, we will contact you via email.
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First Name *
Last Name *
What is your email address? *
What is your phone number? *
Please provide a short description about yourself so we can get to know who you are! *
Which element(s) of our conference will your session address: *
Please provide a short description of your presentation and how it ties in with one of the elements above. *
Which grade levels would your session target? *
During which sessions are you willing to present? *
Any other comments or questions for us?
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