Health Diagnostic Questionnaire
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Email *
email *
Date *
Health and Wellness Goals *
What are your health and wellness goals? WHY are they important to you?
Personal Health and Family History *
What is the most important thing you'd like to share about your health? 
Please list any supplements or medications you take *
Medical Information *
Do you have any medical diagnosis or conditions ?
History of serious illness, hospitalizations, injuries or surgeries
Physical Health Information *
Sleep: How many hours each night?  How do you describe the quality of your sleep? 
How is your energy level most days? *
1 (being very low) to 5 (very high)
Do you experience any pain, stiffness or swelling on a regular basis? If so, please explain *
Do you have any of the follow concerns? (Check all that apply) *
Metabolic Health
Do you have any of the following concerns (check all that apply)? *
Digestive Health
How many bowel movements (on average) do you have per day?  *
Reproductive Health: Do you have any of the following concerns (check all that apply)? *
Hormonal Health: Do you have any of the following concerns/conditions (check all that apply)? *
If you check any boxes above: please explain
Immune Health: Do you have any of the following concerns (check all that apply?  *
If you check yes to any of the above, please explain
Brain Health: Do you have any of the following concerns (check all that apply)? *
Nutritional Information  *
What does a typical day of eating look like for you? List a few foods/meals & drinks for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks
What, if anything, you would like to change about your nutrition?
Additional comments or information you'd like to share 
Have you worked with a health coach previously? If so, how was that experience?
How motivated are you to make improvements to your nutrition, health and wellness? *
I'm thinking about it.
I want to start today!
What is the #1 thing keeping you from your goals? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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