ALL K-2nd Parent Feedback Needed (Social/Emotional Learning) Fall 2019
This survey is anonymous. Please give us honest and productive feedback to help drive program delivery.

Thank you in advance for taking time to complete this short survey.  Our Student Support Team at Rose Glen is studying the effects of our Second Step curriculum on the social and emotional learning of the students.  We highly value the connection between the students' home and school experiences.  Through this anonymous survey we hope to learn how we can better facilitate these connections in order to support student learning in these important areas.  
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Please check any/all the grade levels in which your children are enrolled. *
Wajib diisi
I know what Second Step is.   *
My child knows strategies to problem-solve social situations. *
My child uses strategies to problem- solve social situations. *
My child uses strategies to calm down at home when she or he becomes upset. *
My child shows empathic behaviors toward others. *
In terms of my child/children's social and emotional behavior, when my child/children finish this school year at Rose Glen, I hope she/he will have improved in the following areas (please check all that apply) *
Wajib diisi
I would like my child to learn more about
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