FutuConnect reader survey
Hi there, and thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts on the FutuConnect newsletter.

Your feedback is extremely valuable to us, as it will help us develop the newsletter concept and future issues based on what matters to you.

The questions in this form are all optional, so if you don't have an opinion or don't want to answer some of them, no problem – feel free to skip and move on to the next. The form is also completely anonymous and your email address will not be recorded when you submit your response.


Pekka Lehtinen
Editor, FutuConnect

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Which of the following do you consider the most valuable aspects of FutuConnect?
Please choose up to five items
Which formats would you like to see more or less of?
I'm happy with the current frequency
In-depth articles
Shorter articles, quick reads
Case studies
Themed editions (e.g. health or mobility)
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What do you think about the length of the newsletter?
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How often would you ideally prefer to receive the newsletter?
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How would you rate your overall experience and satisfaction with the FutuConnect newsletter?
1: Very bad, 2: Bad, 3: Neither good nor bad, 4: Good, 5: Very good
Very bad
Very good
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Is there anything else you’d like to share?
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