Quizzes and Creative Writing Competition Sign up
Thank you for signing up to our activity happening on Saturday 1st October 12-1:30pm ages 7-15 years  Please fill in the below form - this information is essential for your child to take part in our activities. Please save my email taja.morgan@sicklecellsociety.org - so that you are kept updated as I will be sending important information.

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How did you hear about this workshop? *
Child's Full Name *
Gender *
Age *
Date of Birth *
*IF APPLICABLE* Child 2 full name & age
*IF APPLICABLE* Child 3 full name & age
Parent full name *
Parents telephone number *
Email address *
Which hospital/s does your child attend? *
Link to Sickle Cell *
Photo and Film Permission: I give permission to take pictures/films of my own child from home taking part in activities virtually... *
To be used internally
To be used in our newsletter
To be used externally in documents, on advertising materials and for funders
To be used externally on our website
To be used externally on our social media accounts (e.g. facebook and twitter)
Photo and Film Permission: I give permission for SCS to take pictures/film of my child taking part in activites virtually... *
To be used internally
To be used in our newsletter
To be used externally in documents, on advertising materials and for funders
To be used externally on our website
To be used externally on our social media accounts (e.g. facebook and twitter)
Would you like to volunteer for us? *
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