COST Plant Meeting Accomodation at the Campus  Form
We offer limited number of rooms at the two different guesthouses at the METU campus.

Every room is 20 euro/night.  Please note, we cannot provide you a receipt for your stay.

Which guesthouse you will stay will be randomly distributed. Guesthouses have Wifi, phone, refrigerator, tv hot water etc. Breakfast included.
Details for Aysel Sabuncu guesthouse: location,
Details for Misafirhane guesthouse: location: 

Once we receive your application we will send you a confirmation email in 2-3 days and information how ro pay. Cancellation until 23 August will receive full refund, later will receive half refund.

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Full Name *
Date of Birth *
Country of residence *
Nationality (Nationalities) *
Phone Number *
Email address *
Will you stay alone or if you would like to share the room whom will you stay with? (Note that only same genders can stay in the room by law unless they are married) *
Which nights will you book? *
ANything you would like to add?
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