Pathways Beginners Mind Agreement
As a Pathways Beginners Mind Participant, I commit to the following:

1. ) I agree not to use my name for identification purposes. I will only use the last 4-digits of my phone number and date of birth for future identification purposes.

2.) I agree to a filmed and/or phone interview before, during, and after the 8-week program. These interviews will be used to share with others for promotional purposes.  

3.) I agree to commit to a minimum of 10 hours per week for individual success.

4.) I agree to complete all assignments and post assignments to my personal folder on Google Drive prior to each scheduled session.

5.) I agree to authorize my coach to have access to a folder within my Google Drive.

6.) I agree to arrive 5 minutes early to all scheduled Zoom sessions.

7.) I agree to give 24-hour notice in the event of session cancellation.

8.) I agree to not participate in the program under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

9.) I agree to mentor new veterans entering the program.

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Last 4 of your phone number *
Name *
Birthdate *
Telephone *
Today's Date *
By Checking this Box I agree to the terms listed above.
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