Sponsor & Trader Booking Form
Trade table bookings are now closed. Handbook advertising is still available with artwork deadline of 1 September. 
Please indicate which sponsor and/or trade options you wish to book. 
Kodály Vic is not GST registered. All prices quoted do not include GST.
On receipt of this form, an invoice will be sent and more details specs for advertising, as well as other information regarding your involvement. 
Thank you for supporting the 2024 Kodály Australia Conference - Naarm / Melbourne
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Conference Handbook Advertising
Conference Bag inserts
Place advertising materials/samples in participants’ bags for $75. Include details below:
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Conference Bag Insert details
Please include details of your conference bag inserts
Other Sponsorship Options
Please provide details in the next question. Logos and other appropriate acknowledgement to be agreed to be placed in the handbook and at the event. 
Sponsor a plenary or teaching session for $155
Sponsor/part sponsor a concert $150 - $550
Sponsor/part sponsor the Evening Activity $150 - $550
Sponsor Key presenter
Sponsor the cost of the handbook
Provide a Static Display $100 for the four days
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Other Sponsorship Options details
If you selected yes or maybe above, please provide details:
In addition to my paid involvement I would like to provide a prize.
Provide details below
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Prize details
In Kind Sponsorship
Bags, Instruments, etc. please specify details
If you can help to promote the conference in your publication, newsletter, social media, store etc, please let us know! 
Anything else you would like to discuss? 
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