Visitor Information Form- La'akea Community
Thanks for your interest in being a visitor at La’akea. Before we can process your request, we need some information to determine if and how we can best accommodate you. Thanks for answering the questions below and returning this form.
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Email *
First name *
Last name *
Phone number *
Preferred Pronouns
Please enter Names and ages of those in the party: *
When and for how long would you like to visit (our limit is up to one week):
How did you hear about La’akea?
Will you want a permaculture tour while visiting?
What is your intention in visiting us?
Is part of your intention to explore possible membership in our community?
Will you need airport transportation? ($40 one way fee) When?
Are you familiar with rustic living; such as camping and being off the grid?
Have you ever stayed or lived in an Intentional Community? If so, when and where?
Will you need accommodation in one of our huts, or do you have your own camping gear?
Are you sensitive to molds and/or have other allergies?
Are there any skills you would like to share with us during your visit?
Is there anything else about yourself that you would like to share so we have a better understanding of who you are?
We have young children in our community. Are you comfortable being around children?
Do you have any dietary restrictions?
If you have additional questions please enter them here:
Thanks for your interest!
We will get back to you soon!
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