Volunteer application: Reading Public Library, MA
Occasionally the Reading Public Library in Reading, Massachusetts needs volunteers for specific tasks and activities. We welcome volunteer applications all year long and will contact you when we can match you with a project that matches your skill set.  Some examples of work by our current volunteers include delivering materials to home-bound patrons, assisting with program set up, indexing local newspapers and scanning documents for archives. 
Completed applications can be emailed to rdgadmin@noblenet.org
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Email *
Name *
First and last name
Email *
Phone number *
Address (including city/town)
(If under 18) DOB
(If under 18) Expected Graduation and Current School:
Availability and Requirements: *
Please indicate your area of interest: *
Special Skills or Qualifications: What special skills, interests, or training do you have?
Previous Volunteer Experience
Personal Reference
Person to Notify in Case of Emergency (name/phone number): *
(Volunteers 12 through 17 years of age): I verify that I am a parent or guardian of the participant and consent to his/her participation in Reading Public Library volunteer program.
Signature (Volunteer 18 years or older)
Signature  Parent and Student (Volunteer 12-17 years or older)
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