MuncieCARES Volunteer Interest Form
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
Mailing Address *
Why are you interested in joining the MuncieCARES Team? *
Check all the areas that define yourself:
What areas of MuncieCARES are you interested in?
Check any trainings or suicide prevention training you have completed and are current on
How did you hear about the MuncieCARES Team?
Attending a volunteer MuncieCARES Team training does not automatically authorize you to be on the CARES Team. To serve on our CARES Team working with LOSS survivors you are required to complete an interview, suicide prevention training, Delaware LOSS Team training, and pass a background check. It is recommended that loss survivors are 18 to 24 months past the loss of their loved one to do crisis work with other survivors. We have many other opportunities to help as you heal. Please indicate that you understand and agree to this.
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