Katherine Corden Art 2024 Survey
I’ve created a short 10 minute survey I would love for you to fill out so I may better serve you this year. All responses are anonymous. I greatly appreciate anything you have to say!

If there is something special you're looking for you might just get it, so be specific! I take your responses very seriously into consideration. Happy New Year and thank you again for your help!
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Where do you live? (City, State or Country)
If you can remember, how did you find my work?
Are you an art lover or an artist?
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Briefly, why do you follow me?
Do you own any of my artwork? If so, thank you! Choose all that apply.
Which have been your favorite subjects of mine? Choose all that apply.
Please describe why that subject or collection is your favorite as best you can.
Which series/collection are you hoping to see in 2024?
What subject would you like to see for my calendars next year?
For calendars, do you prefer:
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For original work, do you prefer:
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As I plan out my collections this year, I would love to know which size/surface paintings you are interested in! Check all that apply.
What is your estimated yearly household income? (This entire survey is anonymous)
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When it comes to framing original artwork... Choose all that apply.
How confident/comfortable are you selecting frames for your artwork (originals or prints)?
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What sort of content would you like to read more about on my Substack newsletter? Inspiration? Drawing/Painting Tips? Sketchbook? Creative Business? Style? Only art related news/announcements?
Any specific product requests/recommendations? Calendars, sketchbooks, stationary, postcards, candles, scarves, gift bundles etc.? Please share ideas!
Any final suggestions!? This is all anonymous. <3
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