Okido Yoga Mini-Retreat Workshop 2024
Date & Time: Saturday 8 June 2024, 9:30 - 16:30 (Reception starts at 9:30. Programme starts at 10:00)
Venue: Loudwater Farm, Loudwater Lane, Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire WD3 4HG

Booking Form -- Please use this form only for one person

Places are now fully booked. If you are still interested, do not fill the booking form, but email contact@okidoyoga.org.uk, to check if any place is available due to somebody's cancellation.

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E-Mail-Adresse *
Surname *
First Name *
Telephone (preferably, mobile phone) *
Have you attended Okido Yoga classes or workshops before? *
How did you hear about this workshop? *
Safety Measures

1) If you have symptoms of ill health or have reason to believe you have any infectious illness, please do not attend. You can ask for refund of your advance payment less £2.

2) Our lessons are programmed to deliver benefits to you with good quality teaching. Whilst we endeavour to provide instructions with your health and safety in mind, you must take primary responsibility for your own health, safety, comfort and physical condition.
 order to prevent injury or adverse effects on your health, please adjust the level of intensity you apply throughout each lesson. If you find that any exercises are unsuitable for you, please stop and tell the teacher immediately. 
If you have any physical or mental conditions that require medical attention and still want to attend our lessons, you should only do so on your doctor’s advice.

Safety Measures Confirmation *
If this form is submitted before or on 8 May 2024, the booking fee is £45.
If this form is submitted on or after 9 May 2024, the booking fee is £55. 
If you have an agreed concession,  please tick the box below.
Please indicate how you pay and proceed with payment. 
Booking will be completed when Okido Yoga UK emails you with acknowledgement of your full payment. 
Please tick one of the boxes below. Your email address will not be shared with any third parties. It will be securely held, checked periodically and deleted as soon as you request us to unsubscribe.  *
Sie erhalten unter der von Ihnen angegebenen E-Mail-Adresse eine Kopie Ihrer Antworten.
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