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Membership Form
Former students of Bede Polding College are warmly invited to join the alumni association. Your membership is highly valued.
(Bede Polding College protects your privacy details. It will remain confidential and will not be circulated without your permission).
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First Name
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Surname at school (if different to current name)
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Email Address
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Postal Address
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Year of graduation or last year attended Bede Polding College eg 1991 (or if a former member of staff your years of tenure)
Your answer
Grade level of last year attended at Bede Polding College (eg Year 12)
Your answer
Post School Study and/or Qualifications (including university degree, tafe course, traineeship, apprenticeship or other).
Your answer
Your answer
Position held or title of position
Your answer
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Any other comments or information
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