License Consistency Working Group
This form is to express your interest in being an active participant in the License Consistency Working Group (LCWG), which will be reviewing a subset of licenses that appear somewhere on the OSI website whose approval status or compliance with the OSD is not entirely clear. Applicants should be open source or legal practitioners with significant experience dealing with open source licenses, and must be familiar with both the Open Source Definition and the License Review approval process. Work will take approximately one year, and will include review of license text, research into license usage and adoption, and discussions of policy and practical actions. Volunteers should expect to be part of the LCWG for its entire course of work barring unexpected life changes. LCWG members may take part in confidential discussions.
The complete charter for the Working Group can be found here:
Please submit your application by July 14. Three to six WG members will be selected after the July OSI Board meeting.
This form is administered by members of the OSI Board and your full detailed answers will be seen only by members of the Board and OSI senior staff. Should you need to remove your data from this form, contact and/or