Networking Event for Strategic Partnership Projects
We would like to invite you to a ‘Networking Event for Strategic Partnership Projects’, which will happen on 30 April 2021 at 3pm CET, through the Zoom platform.

The event aims to:

-Enable a networking space for NGOs across Europe to develop Strategic Partnership projects which will be applied in the upcoming Erasmus+ deadline
-Provide online space for NGOs to present their organisations and discuss ideas of mutual interest,
-Build partnerships between NGOs for Strategic Partnership projects of mutual interest

Benefits and why to take part in this event:

-Networking with other European NGOs
-Find partners for your Strategic Partnership projects
-Become a partner on Strategic Partnership projects
-Enlarge your database of partner organisations
-Develop Strategic Partnership projects with other European organisations

The event is organized by NGO Youth Council Next Generation, from North Macedonia (

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Name of the organisation.
Please describe your organisation in maximum 3 sentences.
Please insert organisational website/ social media profiles.
Name of organisational representative who will attend the event.
Please provide contact email from the representative for further communication.
What kind of strategic partnership projects are u interested in?
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What kind of cooperation are you looking for on this event?
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What is your Field of expertise?  We are mostly experienced in....
What is your Field of interest? We are looking for partners interested in the topics of...
If you already have a project idea, would you like to present it during the event shortly? If yes, please give a short description.
What would be your preference regarding the timing of the event?
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If you have any other comment or question, please write to us here.
Thank you for your interest.
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