Pro GM Journey YouTube video series
Please fill this out so I can select several GMs to mentor this Fall! This will be an involved process requiring weekly video check-ins with me and active effort toward building your business.
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Correo *
What's your name & pronouns? *
Do you self-identify as a marginalized person? *
How much experience GMing do you have? (sessions, pro or non-pro) *
Please link me to your socials. *
Have you been a pro GM before and if so: what experience do you have? (How many paid games, for how long have you been doing it, etc.) *
What is your hourly availability for pro GMing? (weekly) *
What are your income goals? (monthly, USD) *
Do you have a good mic and webcam? If so, what do you have? *
Do you have a laptop or computer and reliable internet access with a workspace you can use? This must be a quiet area. *
Are you willing to have your journey shared in a YouTube video? Your likeness and voice will be used via recorded calls with me. *
Are you willing to commit to 2-3 months of working with me to see this process through? *
Any concerns for me?
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