SCAT - Sunderland Culture Register your interest here...

Please fill in this form to register your interest in joining the ScaTeam at Sunderland Culture. There are lots of opportunities, the first one is joining in the Make it Happen challenge to takeover Arts Centre Washington.

If you need support or to complete these questions in another format please email

We may get in touch for additional information once you have complete this.


Sunderland Culture will use this information to contact you about the Cultural Ambassador Team Project.The information you provide will primarily be used for reporting to our funders, including the Arts Council England. Project
partners, stakeholders, key practitioners, researchers and evaluators may also use this information, so we can
continue to fund this type of work. No data is shared with third parties.

Helix Arts will use the information in this form to contact you about Make It Happen.  We will share it with the artists and partners you will be working with.  We will also use some of the data to measure the success of this programme and to report to our funders.  We will not share this information with any other individuals or organisations without prior permission.  We will keep your information secure and you have the right to view this information and to ask for it to be amended or removed.

Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
Email address (Yours or a parent/carer) *
Are you happy for Sunderland Culture and Helix Arts to collect information from you? *
Name *
Postal address *
Post code *
Mobile number *
Date of Birth *
Age *
Name of next of Kin *
Best number for your Next of Kin *
What 3 words best describe you? *
Why would you like to join the team? (Max. 50 words) *
What do you think you could bring to the team (Max. 100 words) *
Can you come to the open day on 29 June 2019?
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