Carpinteria Bluffs Restoration RSVP
Thank you for your interest in restoring the Carpinteria Bluffs! The City is partnering with CivicSpark to conduct these events in effort to restore the native habitat of the beloved Bluffs. 

This event will be hands-on with activities consisting of weed removal and planting of native species.

There will be three (3) restoration events on April 6th, May 4th, and May 18th from 9 AM to 12 PM.

Please RSVP below for which event you would like to attend. Everyone is welcomed, no experience necessary.
Tools and snacks are provided, but please bring sun protection and gardening gloves, if you have them.

Meet at the end of Bailard Avenue Parking Lot - 6145 Carpinteria Ave, Carpinteria, CA 93013-2805 

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us at
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Coming to event on April 6, 2024? *
Coming to event on May 4, 2024? *
Coming to event on May 18, 2024? *
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