Apply to the Gravity Base FJC
Thank you for filling out this form! It will provide us with key information about your background in sports and help us understand what you're hoping to achieve in this course. Rest assured, all your answers will remain confidential.
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Which course do you want to attend? *
Full name *
Date of birth  *
Phone number *
Email adress
When did you start skydiving ? (month/year) *
How many skydives do you have ? *
What other sports have you practiced in your life ?  *
Have you practriced one of this sports in competition ?  *
If yes, at what level ?
Why do you want to BASE Jump ? Any particular reason ? *
Can you describe a situation in which you had to manage fear or anxiety in a high-pressure or physically demanding environment? How did you handle it ? It doesn't necessarily have to be sport related.   *
What exactly are you expecting from this course ? *
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