Winter Sports Sign Up 2023-2024
Please sign your child up if he/she plans to play basketball or be on the swim team. Basketball and swim season will begin Monday, October 30th. 

Please fill this form out by Friday, October 13th at 8pm. If you do not sign up for your child, your child will not be able to participate in winter sports this year. Signing up your athlete in advance gives us enough time to set rosters, coaches, facilities, and games.

Due to the number of teams we are anticipating, at this time, we do not know exact practice times. What we do know is Swim will be on Tuesday/Thursday mornings from 6:15am-7:15am at Dad's Club. With this information, please see the following for sign up rules. 
If you have multiple athletes to sign up, please create a sign up for each athlete.

As always, let me know if you have any questions!

Christian Watford
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