Sponsorship interest: This Week in Fintech Latam
Thank you for your interest in This Week in Fintech Latam!  

IMPORTANT - please see this brief document with more information about sponsoring events with This Week in Fintech: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zXNgeVj9TJTd4z9l3NxxBlBC9FB7_wOgYGxBJjdDMe4/edit?usp=sharing
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Name of company / organization who would be sponsoring *
What questions do you have based on the overview of sponsorships?  Please review here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zXNgeVj9TJTd4z9l3NxxBlBC9FB7_wOgYGxBJjdDMe4/edit?usp=sharing *
Which city/cities would you be interested in sponsoring? *
Tell us a bit about your interest in sponsoring?  What would you like to achieve?
How much would you be interested in sponsoring? *
Is there a specific date range you are looking for?
Other questions, comments or anything else we should be aware of?
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