Helitaanka Kartida Gudaha Diiwaangelinta Shirka Naafada: Finding Ability Within Disability Conference Registration 
Waad ku mahadsan tahay xiisayntaada Shirka 'Helitaanka Kartida Gudaha Naafada'! Golahan waxaa loogu talagalay daryeel bixiyayaasha iyo waalidiinta si ay u helaan fikrado qiimo leh iyo agab si ay u taageeraan kuwa ay jecel yihiin, oo ay ku jiraan khubaro ka socda Adeegyada Taageerada Deen, SMILE, iyo in ka badan. Fadlan buuxi foomka hoose si aad u sugo booskaaga.
Thank you for your interest in the 'Finding Ability Within Disabilities' Conference! This forum is designed for caregivers and parents to access valuable insights and resources to better support their loved ones, featuring experts from Deen Support Services, SMILE, and more. Please complete the form below to secure your spot.

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