The Jaw of Victory Interest Survey
Hello friends and people my friends have sent this survey to! My name is Abby Estes and for a New Year's Eve gathering where we rang in 2023, I wrote a murder mystery set in the Locked Tomb universe. The first run had 17 people and ran for what ended up being about 3.5 hours because my friends are lunatics who chewed through the plot and scenery and tears and blood at breakneck speed. It was a rollicking good time, taught me a lot, and has left pretty much all of us hungry for more, not to mention those I know would love to play in such a larp and didn't get a chance to.


My plan is to run it at least once more in 2024 as a two-night game for anywhere from 20 to 30 players. The goal of this survey is to get some initial feedback on what folks are interested in exploring in a game like this, how many people might want in, and how much one might be interested in paying for such an event. The first part of the survey will have a short description of the game's premise and questions to get a sense of what people want to do in the setting. The second part will be for getting a sense of practical logistics. There will be an optional third part where I invite you to goob with me about your favorite part of the Locked Tomb.

If you know other larpers or potential larpers who would love this sort of game, please feel free to throw the link at them. The initial game was set up to be inclusive of people who knew nothing whatsoever about the Locked Tomb setting, delightful for people who knew everything about it, and all the many people in between. I'm going to keep it that way.
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I do need to know who you are though.
What am I calling you? *
How am I getting in touch with you?
Please don't just say "email" - enter your email address, or whatever means of contact you prefer! This is NOT for reserving your place in the larp, and is not required. This info is not going to be made public and I'm not going to use it for anything other than getting in touch with you as plans progress. Currently, I've got a monthly email newsletter list to keep people updated! 
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