Tier 1 Technical Support Specialist Job Application
Thank you for your interest in Uscreen! Please fill in the form below and make sure you complete all the steps required. We'll review the applications and notify successful candidates about the next steps.

Please note: due to the large number of applications we are thrilled to receive, we're only able to respond to successful candidates.
登入 Google 即可儲存進度。瞭解詳情
電子郵件 *
A link to your Linkedin Profile *
Where are you located? (Include full location) *
City, State/Province, Country
A link to your Resume online: *
Suggested: link to a pdf uploaded to a shared folder like Google Drive or similar. Please make sure anyone with this link can access your document(s).
How confident are you in working with HTML? *
What's HTML?
Expert, ask me anything!
How confident are you in working with CSS? *
What's CSS?
Expert, ask me anything!
Do you have experience with any of the following? *
Professional experience with one or more is required.
What ticketing systems have you used? *
Why are you a good fit for this role? *
Please keep it short and sweet :)
Do you have remote working experience? *
According to Eastern Time (Washington D.C.); Are you able to comfortably and consistently work the following shift? 10:00 am - 6:00 pm ET | Thursdays - Mondays  (*Note: We will only consider applicants whose local timezone, when converting Eastern Time 10am-6pm, is during business hours (6am-9pm your local time - important). This means the ideal candidate for us will be located in North America, Central America, or South America.) *
What is your timezone? *
Does your timezone accomodate the requirement for the shift you selected above? *
What is your hourly pay requirement? *
**Please indicate in USD. Use only numbers in the field and do not add cents.
If given the opportunity, when can you start? *
How did you hear about the position? *
Thank you for your interest in joining our Techinical Support Team!
Successful candidates will be contacted within 2-weeks of submission.

請勿利用 Google 表單送出密碼。
這份表單是在 Uscreen 中建立。 檢舉濫用情形