DBQ Practice: Contextualization  
Each statement below is an example of a contextualization statement written by a student. Determine if the statement would receive the point, or not. Remember, a contextualization statement must describe a broader historical context relative to the prompt. The point is not awarded for merely a phrase or reference.

Question: Evaluate the extent to which Christianity changed societies in Latin America in the period 1500–1800.
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In class, I often compare Contextualization to Netflix. What part of your favorite Netflix series is an example of Contextualization? *
5 poin
Use this video to answer the following 3 questions.
Based on the video above, how many sentences should your contextualization be? *
5 poin
Broad and vague statements are appropriate for contextualization statements since you are only introducing your topic. *
5 poin
Your contextualization statement should directly connect to your thesis. For example, if the prompt asks about social changes, your contextualization should mirror social changes prior to the prompt. *
5 poin
In the period 1500-1800, Latin America was colonized by Europe, Catholic missionaries were doing everything in their power to convert the indigenous populations and run everything based on Catholic beliefs.  Peninsulares were royal governors sent by the Spanish King to maintain order in the colonies. There were also a lot of mixed descent people because of the colonization of many different European countries. *
8 poin
“In the sixteenth century, the Spanish Habsburgs were fighting a number of wars against France, England, and the Dutch.” *
8 poin
As soon as the Europeans began the colonization of Latin America, it was clear that spread of Christianity would follow as well. Many missionaries were sent out to convert the indigenous populations, especially those located in the regions around the new settlements created by the Europeans. It was always believed by colonizers that they had a duty to civilize the "savage" indigenous people of the regions that they colonized, thus providing more motivation to spread Christianity. *
8 poin
For hundreds of years, Spain has always been well know for being devote catholic. Catholicism had been rooted into Spain's culture, and it became a staple of being a Spaniard. During Queen Isabella and king Ferdinand's II rein, they enacted the reconquiesta  (sp) which introduced the idea of race based on ones religion. They used Catholicism as a way to insight nationalism in Spaniards to "reconquer" their land from the Arab Muslims and Jews who had dominated the area. As such, Catholicism became even greater linked to Spain. Even through the Protestant Reformation, Spain continued strong connections to the Roman Catholic church and the Pope in Italy. Naturally, when Spain conquered Latin American lands, many christian missionaries were sent to convert the natives in the area to Catholicism. *
8 poin
Between 1500 to 1800, European nations sought to find raw materials and goods to trade, so many looked to colonized the Americas. When they arrived to the Americas, the indigenous people had a different culture, customs, and belief systems. The Europeans looked down upon their culture and religion as uncivilized, but with the Protestant reformation in Europe happening during this time period, the Catholic Church and Europeans who were loyal to the Catholic Church still saw this as an opportunity to gain what they lost in Europe with the Latin American native population. Christianity was then introduced. *
8 poin
During the 1500s, many European countries began exploration and imperialization in places like Southern Asia and the America's. These imperializing powers practiced Catholicism, and so when they began colonizing Latin American countries their culture and religion began to spread to the indigenous peoples. *
8 poin
The Europeans traveled around the world looking for new trading routes, new land, spices, gold, and they wanted to spread Christianity. This period in time is known as the Age of Exploration. The Europeans used the phrase "God, Gold, and Glory" as their reasons for traveling in search for the materials and land they wanted. They wanted to spread Christianity for God, they wanted to attain gold to become rich, and they wanted to expand their empire for glory. *
8 poin
During the exploration period, when the Europeans arrived and settled in Latin America, not only did they bring themselves, their families, and new technologies and crops, they also brought their culture, and their religion, Christianity. The Spaniards and other Europeans brought with them Christian missionaries, aggressively pushing their culture onto the indigenous people. And although some did convert over to the unfamiliar religion, others were not so willing. *
8 poin
Europe was heavily influenced by religion and more specifically Christianity. Some leaders during this time were because of religion. The social classes and social structure were also related to the church. The Europeans wanted to expand their empires through colonization of distant lands and their religions came with them. They set up many different missions and churches in Latin America, Asia, and Africa. *
8 poin
“The methods that the Spanish used to coerce the Native Americans to relinquish their cultural traditions largely mirror the techniques used in Spain to pressure Jews and Muslims who had nominally converted to Christianity but still practiced their religion in secret during the Reconquista which started in 1492.” *
8 poin
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