FDEV Programming 2021-2022 - Faculty Survey
The Office of Faculty Development is looking for faculty feedback to finalize planning for FDEV 2021-2022 programs and events. We want to hear needs and concerns from all faculty (tenure, tenure-track, and lecturers), so we can plan our offerings accordingly.

Feel free to refer to our website as you answer these questions: https://www.csuchico.edu/fdev/index.shtml

For any questions, please contact FDEV Director Chiara Ferrari, cfferrari@csuchico.edu. Thank you for your feedback!

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Please select your College *
On a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 meaning "never heard of it" and 5 meaning "extremely familiar with it," how familiar are you with FDEV and its resources? *
Never heard of FDEV
Extremely familiar with FDEV
Have you participated in FDEV Programs (faculty learning communities, workshops, new mentoring program, etc.) in the past 5 years? *
Have you participated in FDEV Events (forums, recognition events, new faculty orientation, etc.) in the past 5 years? *
What are some of the reasons you find it hard to participate in FDEV Programs or Events? (Please check all that apply, and clarify your additional reasons if selecting "Other") *
Please share any concerns you have this year in relation to your role as a faculty member. *
Please share any needs you have this year in relation to your role as a faculty member. *
What topics are you most interested in and would like to see in FDEV Programs? (Check all that apply and specify what additional topics you'd like FDEV to explore if you selected "Other") *
Please elaborate on the previous question by sharing more specific topics you would find useful (optional).
Do you find that the FDEV website provides the resources and information you need? *
Please elaborate on the previous question by sharing how you find the website useful or by suggesting things we can add (optional).
FDEV is planning to facilitate a recurrent Faculty Café for faculty to get together, share ideas, discuss research plans, ask questions, look for help and answers, etc. Would you be interested in participating in it and, if so, what would be your preferred format? (Check all that apply and share any additional ideas if you selected "Other"). *
Do you have any additional comments of feedback for FDEV? (optional)
Thank you for your time, we really appreciate your feedback!
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