Miraheze @ Wikimania Interest
Fill out this form so we can help provide information to our partners to plan a trip to Wikimania for Miraheze users in 2023 or later.
Google에 로그인하여 진행상황을 저장하세요. 자세히 알아보기
Name & Username *
If your on-wiki username isn't your real name or we (RhinosF1 & Agent) don't know your real name already then please give both.
Contact email
We'll use use this to notify you closer to the time when tickets are available. Your details will be shared with our travel partner (currently CT Business Travel)
What country would you be departing from *
This is where you live. It's so we can get quotes from our partners.
Which regions would be interested in attending *
This is so we have an idea of numbers. It'll be passed onto our travel partner so we can gauge numbers and they can put together some quotes.
What is your budget *
This will be shared with our partners so they can ensure they pick options that are suitable for those attending.
Are you comfortable travelling alone *
We need to know this so we can plan what support to provide to users. A 24/7 emergency support team is being put together.
Would you prefer to be with other users while travelling? *
We are asking this so we can attempt to group users together if needed. This will help our team decide which options to make available. If you answer yes, we may share your username with others travelling on the same route.
Would you be able to look after users / buddy up with them? *
We're asking this so if users do need help we can make them aware of people travelling the same route that can support them and ensure our travel company can place people together. We may share your username with people who need support.
Affiliation *
This is so we can find out if you're eligble for any grant to support your expenses. We may also ask trusted users to be part of our on-call support team.
Would you buy via Miraheze *
This is so our travel partners have an idea of numbers and can put together a quote.
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