Impacts of Sinton Trail Closure under I25

Contrary to prior commitments CDOT has shared that the Sinton Trail under I-25 will remain closed until at least fall 2024 due to " safety-critical work". This closure is significantly longer than the one-month timeframe initially communicated by CDOT. This extension comes after two years of planning that anticipated short periodic closures. Additional closures could extend to project completion, currently planned for August 2026

Bike COS is advocating to find a solution to reopen the trail earlier. We value your input!

Please share your experiences with the following questions:

  • How often did you use the Sinton Trail under I-25 before the closure?
  • How has this closure impacted you? 
  • What was your experience when the trail was open during construction? 
  • Do you have any suggestions for a solution to open the trail earlier?
  • What is your experience with the closure of the Sinton Trail under I-25?

Thank you for your participation!

Link to Bike COS Article:

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Optional - If you use this trail for commuting, please share your employer, if comfortable doing so?
How often did you use the Sinton Trail under I-25 before the closure? *
How has this closure impacted you? (Select all that apply) *
If you used the trail while it was open during construction, what was your experience?

Do you have any suggestions for a solution to open the trail earlier?

Share your story - What is your experience with the closure of the Sinton Trail under I-25?
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