Media Industry Survey
Hello! Thank you for taking the time to fill out this brief survey. Feel free to answer or skip whichever questions you like. Your answers will be recorded for a school project of mine on the media industry. Thank you! 
- Jacob Vander Weide
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From your experience, what are the racial demographics in the media industry?
Disproportionately white
Very racially mixed
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What goals do you have at your job?
If you could solve one issue in your workplace, what would it be? Why?
If someone wanted to minister to the people in your workplace, what would they need to know first? 
Are media professionals more or less religious than the U.S. average?
Very religious
Mostly atheists
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From your estimation, what is the average age of a media professional?
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What are the unique challenges you've faced in the media industry?
What gives you motivation to get to work on a Monday?
From your experience, are there more men or women in the media industry?
Mostly men
Mostly women
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How long have you worked for your current employer?
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How connected do you feel with your coworkers?
Very connected
Very disconnected
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How do you feel your job allows you to impact your community?
What is your job? *
What do you enjoy most about your job?
Do you feel satisfied with your job?
Very satisfied
Very disatisfied
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How does your perception of God impact your work?
What aggravates you most about your job?
How long have you worked in the media industry?
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How has Christianity influenced the media industry?
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