Star Wars Battlefront II Xbox Mod feedback form
This form is used to report bugs, request new features, or just give general feedback. Please follow these rules and requests:
  1. One bug report per post. Please don't post many bugs in one report. It makes it harder for us to track and fix them.
  2. Please be as clear as possible when describing the bug. For example: If it crashed, what were you doing? Did you get a dirty disc error? Did it freeze while loading? If so how many of the dots at the bottom are lit up? Did it crash trying spawn as a character, or maybe when you used a certain weapon?
  3. If posting a request, please be as clear as possible. For example: Please put Padme in Hero Assault on Endar Spire. Another example: Please add First Order Rises era to Boz Pity

We appreciate all the reports, feedback, and kudos you give. It helps this mod become all we want it to be.

Thanks for stopping by!

Please note that XEMU currently has minor audio issues with Star Wars Battlefront II. Continue to report these bugs, but we may not be able to fix them. For more information:
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