Día de los Muertos Season Survey

Thank you for joining Self Help Graphics for our 49th Annual Día de los Muertos season. We hope you've had a positive, enriching, and fun time! If you haven't already seen our exhibition, please visit us before it closes on Wednesday, November 23, 2022! 

In order to continue to provide the best possible experience, please complete this brief survey to help us plan and strengthen future season programming. Participants who include their email will automatically be entered to win a 2022 Día de los Muertos t-shirt or tote bag! 

Self Help Graphics & Art protects your privacy and will not share your information with third parties. 

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
How did you hear about our Día de los Muertos season and/or November 5 Celebration? Check all that apply. *
Did you attend any seasonal workshops or events? Check all that apply. *
Did you come to any of the events with children 18 and under? *
Have you attended Self Help Graphics' Día de los Muertos Celebration in the past? *
If you attended our November 5 Celebration, how would you rate this event overall?
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How likely is it that you would recommend our seasonal programming and events to a friend? Lowest 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 Highest.
If you attended our November 5, 2022 Día de los Muertos Celebration, what are the highlights of your experience? For example, did you enjoy the exhibition, music performances, Muertos Market vendors, etc.?
If you attended our November 5, 2022 Día de los Muertos Celebration, is there a way we could've made your experience better? Your honest feedback is important for us to help make improvements. 
If you would like to enter to win a Día de los Muertos season t-shirt or tote bag for completing this survey and opt-in to receive our email newsletters, please add your email here. For example: youremail@gmail.com. 
If you would like to opt-in to receive our text notifications, please add your preferred telephone number with the area code.
What city, state and zip code do you reside in? For example: Los Angeles, CA. 90033. *
If you would like to be added to our mailing list, please list your full name and address. For example: 
First Name, Last Name, 1300 E. 1st St. Los Angeles, CA. 90033. 
Do you have any other notes that you wish to share about visiting Self Help Graphics & Art with our team? We truly appreciate hearing from you. Thank you for filling out our survey! 
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