Watch D.O.G.S. Sign-Up Form
Thank you for volunteering your time to help keep our students and staff safe! 

Watch D.O.G.S. are able to participate in different capacities.  The typical day of a Watch Dog can include the following: safety patrol duty, time in the classroom (help facilitate a morning meeting, a read aloud, a class activity), assist with recess, lunch, and patrolling the campus for safety.

Watch Dogs don't have to commit to a full day of volunteering; they can volunteer for a half day, or mornings/afternoons only if they would like to assist with arrival and/or dismissal safety procedures.

An important aspect regarding this volunteer opportunity is to ensure you've completed a background check. Please use the following link to do so. CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT BACKGROUND CHECK

Answer the questions below so that we may plan accordingly and communicate with appropriate staff. 

If you have any questions please feel free to reach out:
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メールアドレス *
Name of Watch D.O.G.S. Volunteer:  (First, Last) *
Student(s) Name: *
Teacher(s) Name:   *
Have you completed your background check? (Please note that your background check must be cleared before you can participate. The background check can take several weeks to be processed. Please use the link in the welcome message if your response is NO)
Watch DOGS are required to purchase and wear an official Watch DOG shirt while volunteering on campus.  At this time, we have a limited supply of shirts in stock.  If we do not have your shirt size in stock, please order your shirt from   Please indicate your shirt size for campus records in the event that we place a bulk order of shirts.   *
What day or days would you like to sign up as a Watch DOG? (Must be at least ONE WEEK prior to the date you will be volunteering)
In which capacity would you like to volunteer?   *
Please Note: If you are interested in being a Watch Dog on a reoccurring basis.  For example, helping with arrival/dismissal every Monday or leading a basketball game at recess every Thursday.  Check YES below if you are interested in volunteering on a reoccurring basis. 
Daytime Phone Number:
Thank you for your interest in the Watch DOGS program! Within 48 hours, we will be contacting you to confirm your schedule. Before doing so, we will verify that you have an approved NISD background check and are a Raba PTA member.  Please remember that you will also need to wear a Watch DOGS shirt.  We will go ahead and confirm availability with necessary staff. 

Is there any additional information that you would like for us to know?
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