2023 TOFGA Conference Work Share Form  
Fill out this form to volunteer with us for our upcoming conference on January 29-31, 2022 in Mesquite, TX. Work share with us gives you a discount on the conference! Thank you, so much for your consideration.
E-mail *
Today's date
First and Last Name
Phone Number
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
Postal/Zip Code
Are you a TOFGA member?
Kijelölés törlése
Please select if you play a role in any of these:
Kijelölés törlése
Please tell us why you would like to volunteer at the conference this year:
The conference is Jan 29-31, 2023. Please tell us the days you will be available to volunteer.
Select the areas you are interested in helping with:
Do you have any physical limitations that need to be considered when assigning volunteer jobs?
Kijelölés törlése
If you answered yes above, please tell us what activities you need to avoid. - i.e. lifting things heavier than 10lbs; sitting for more than 30 min.
Have you paid your $60 Volunteer registration on the TOFGA website?
Kijelölés törlése
If you have any special skills or knowledge that you believe could be of use to the conference please share below (eg: technological savvy, team management skills, visual art, etc.)
Űrlap tartalmának törlése
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Ezt a tartalmat nem a Google hozta létre, és nem is hagyta azt jóvá. Visszaélés jelentése - Felhasználási feltételek - Adatvédelmi irányelvek