GingerYoga - Student registration
This new student registration applies to those attending an online or a face to face class.

The purpose of asking for information is to help to understand what your general expectation is from our yoga classes.  

Before we begin it is important that you read, understand and agree to the statement below. Yoga is a physical activity which carries with it risk of harm, especially when participating online as we may not be able to see what you are doing.  

If you have any queries or questions please do contact me.
Namaste, Amanda 

Email | or I am use What's App 07958607685 |
Facebook @gingeryoganetwork

In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
Please read and sign by ticking the box *
I take full responsibility for my voluntary participation and for your own safety and well-being.  I agree to be gentle and to work at my own capacity, not attempting to undertake any posture that is outside my comfort zone or range of motion.  I will stop immediately if I experience any pain.  I release the yoga teacher from liability resulting from any injury or discomfort from my attendance.  I realise that my yoga teacher is not qualified to express an opinion that I am fit to participate. If I have doubts or are concerns I will obtain professional or specialist advice from your doctor before participating and highlight.  I will not participate I think I am pregnant.  I don't know of any reason why I should not undertake a course of exercise I will inform the teacher if any medical condition changes in the future. I understand that GingerYoga teachers will take all reasonable care in ensuring that these lessons are safe.
What is your name?  Like to be known as
Have you done yoga before?
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Do you want to share why you want to take a yoga class?
eg. relieve stress, relaxation, personal enjoyment, increase flexibility/strength, connection to the breath, meditation, restorative, someone suggested it, other...
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Email address *
This will be used to send information about GingerYoga classes and to receive joining instructions/information about a class that you have booked.
*If you have booked a class through a third party this is not required!
Are you happy GingerYoga keeps in touch with general emails? *
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