Appointment Request - CPL Lawyer in the Library
See the current LIL schedule at

Lawyer in the Library (LIL) offers free 20-minute meetings with volunteer lawyers to assist you with legal coaching, document review, referrals to additional community services, e-filing court documents, and legal questions. Bring paperwork that relates to your legal matter.

CPL's LIL program is now by appointment. There are two types of appointments offered:
  • Assisted Appointments @ CPL: Assisted appointments take place in the library's meeting room and are usually held once a month on a Thursday between 12 and 2pm. The Attorney meets with patrons via Zoom. CPL provides a laptop, document scanner, and tech help.
  • Solo Appointments: Zoom appointments on your own device at your own location. These appointments are with Attorney Turk and are usually scheduled on Wednesdays between 4 and 6pm. If you do not have a device or an appropriate space to meet virtually with the lawyer, CPL may be able to provide these dependent upon space and staff availability. Note: CPL offers general technology assistance on most Wednesdays 10am-1pm. Check the Open Tech Help schedule at
Please use this form to request an LIL Appointment. A Librarian will contact you to schedule a time. Completing this form does not guarantee an appointment; a Librarian must be able to reach you and schedule a time.

Questions about the program? Contact Programming & Outreach Librarian Mx Elizabeth C Hartman:
618-457-0354 ext. 6
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First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
What is your preferred method of contact? *
County of Residence *
In a few words, please describe the legal matter you wish to discuss with the lawyer. *
If you have any additional notes or questions, please enter them here.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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