Hypernatremia Raid Application
Who we are:
HYPERNATREMIA is a guild that has recently formed on Horde from Alliance after Mythic Nyalotha Clear, but that has also been together since the start of Eternal Palace. We are a Cutting-Edge guild that balances mythic raiding progression and having fun. We are a guild whose goal is to become a family and assist our players in all their wow goals. Everyone here quickly becomes friends and enjoys playing and hanging out with each other in discord while playing wow and many other games as well. We recruit raiders on performance and personality. We want to have a fun relaxed environment while still being able to down these bosses.
We are friends before anything in this guild and you will come to find that quickly. We help people we raid with; we play a variety of games and hang out in discord on non-raid nights. We look at providing a comforting atmosphere to ensure the best possible home for all our raiders and friends.
Raid Schedule:
We raid Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday 8PM-11PM EST.
Currently Recruiting:
Any healer or DPS with good performance will be considered!  Please send a link to logs (Nyalotha mythic logs will work).
1: Personality is key. We want mature, easy-going raiders who enjoy raiding and want to be here to have a good time with us.
2: You are joining a mythic raiding guild. You need to perform at that level upon joining. If you are at a lower level, we will put you in the heroic runs until you are ready to join the mythic team. With that being said, if you send us a friend request to join the mythic team you need to have some logs showing you have past/current experience in end game mythic raiding.
3: We raid 8 hours a week. Time is valuable. We need you to be on time, which means the boss is being pulled at 8:00 pm EST.
4: We also expect you to know the boss strategies and what your role is in the fight. Again, we raid 8 hours. Raids go a lot smoother when everyone has done their research.
5: The guild uses discord. You MUST be in discord at raid time. We require you to have a working microphone to join the mythic raiding team.
6: Attendance must be 80% or more. We cannot raid if we do not have the bodies. In the discord we have an absent for raid channel. If you cannot make it you MUST let us know via that or a message to leadership.
7: You are expected to be fully raid ready, this means pots, gems etc.…
All exceptional applicants are encouraged to message us as we are always looking for good players to join our roster!
If you are interested, please fill out the application below!
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