Qualifing Level Practice Exam
This is a simulation of questions you can expect to see when taking the PGA of America's Q-Level exam. Questions cover the history of the Association, Membership matters, and general golf principles. NOTE: This exam is not timed, but the actual exam will have a time limit.
In what year did the tournament player members of the PGA of America form the Tournament Players Division, now known as the PGA Tour? *
1 point
The PGA of America was founded in New York City during what year? *
1 point
The PGA of America operates which of the following tournaments? *
1 point
The following skills and abilities reflect what employers are looking for in a golf professional except *
1 point
According to the PGA Constitution, a Director of Instruction is classified as ______? *
1 point
Individuals have eight years from the Qualifying level start date to be elected to PGA membership *
1 point
Which of the following is not an assessment tool used the PGA of America in the PGA educational program? *
1 point
Which of the following is true regarding completion of the Qualifying Level requirements to enter the PGA Associate program? *
1 point
PGA Students must satisfy the PGA Player Ability Test requirement to enroll in the Qualifying Level at a PGA Golf Management University. *
0 point
A key difference between PGA Students and PGA Associates relates to employment.  PGA Students are required to complete 16 months internships prior to graduation while PGA Associates must maintain eligible employment at all times in order to receive work experience credits. *
1 point
On an structural level, The PGA of America is comprised of: *
1 point
The total number of experience and educational credits which must be earned before becoming eligible for election to membership in the Association is? *
1 point
 The Board of Directors are responsible for recognizing golf facilities under construction. *
1 point
______________ directs the entire golf facility including golf operations, golf course maintenance, club house administration, food and beverage operation, and other recreational activities at the facility? *
1 point
Which of the following is not a requirement to be able to register as an Associate with the PGA of America? *
1 point
Tyler, a graduate of a PGM program, is applying for membership. He has completed all the components of the education program, passed the P.A.T, works full time at PGA recognized golf facility and submitted a completed application. He will be elected to membership. *
1 point
The ____________ of the PGA is primarily responsible for the financial matters of the Association. *
1 point
A PGA Recognized Golf Course must meet all of the following requirements except__________. *
1 point
Justin is a PGA member and primarily employed as the golf course superintendent at a PGA Recognized Golf Facility. What is Justin’s PGA membership classification? *
1 point
The term “PGA Recognized Golf School” shall refer to a golf management program conducted by an accredited college or university. *
1 point
Active PGA members have all of the following rights except: *
1 point
The President of the PGA is an employee of the Association. *
1 point
The term of service for a PGA Officer is two years. *
1 point
Amendments to the PGA Constitution must be adopted by ______________. *
1 point
In order to charter a PGA Section, you must have a minimum of ten PGA members and Master Professionals. *
1 point
The USGA Rules Committee meets once a year to review proposed Rules changes. *
1 point
The first Articles of Golf were published in 1744. *
1 point
According to the Rules of Golf, a player is not permitted to improve _____________. *
1 point
A ______________ is any unattached natural object such as a tree branch or a stone. *
1 point
Jaden would be entitled to free relief in all of the following situations exept _____________. *
1 point
In the Rules of Golf, definitions are identified in _____________. *
1 point
According to the Rules of Golf, a flagstick is considered an ___________.
1 point
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Rules will affect only the individual breaking the rule, while etiquette can have consequences to many. Therefore, golfers who consistently disregards etiquette can be disciplined according to the Rules.
1 point
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When gathering the facts around a rules dispute, a professional should offer a ruling as best he or she can in in effort to speed up play and consult the Rule book after they have finished the hole.
1 point
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According to the Rules of Golf, _________ states that a player can have a maximum of 14 clubs in the bag. *
1 point
Rules 5 through 11 in the Rules of Golf  provide information about “playing the ball.” *
1 point
Employers will decide to contact an applicant for an interview based on impressions from the resume and cover letter.  
1 point
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Employers normally review resumes to identify reasons to hire an applicant.
1 point
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Resumes should include professional seminars a golf professional has recently completed. *
1 point
According to the PGA, a cover letter should be __________________. *
1 point
Generally, what is the most appropriate dress for an interview? *
1 point
Which type of resume emphasizes your primary skills as it relates to work experience? *
1 point
43. The cover letter should state when you would be available to start employment.
1 point
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It is ethical in practice to write your own letter of reference and have the reference person review, edit and sign it. *
1 point
What is the term of office for District Directors?
1 point
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The PGA TOUR Tournament Policy Board elects the Independent Directors.
1 point
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In what level does an Associate have to produce one acceptable score from the Playing Ability Test in order to register? *
1 point
A PGA Knowledge Test in a given level contains two parts which are: *
1 point
The average PGA Golf Management student will invest approximately 830 total hours completing the PGA curriculum in its entirety. *
1 point
The faculty at a PGA University are responsible for grading and approving the Work Experience Portfolio of PGA Students in order to advance to the next education level. *
1 point
Work experience activities can be accomplished concurrently as part of a PGA student’s courses on campus as well as during internships. *
1 point
PGA Associates submit their completed work experience activities to their supervising professional for approval. *
1 point
Who performs the Secretary's duties in the event he or she vacates the office? *
1 point
A ___________ decscribes a golf professional who moves through his/her career in a linear fashion (Assistant Professional-Head Professional-Director of Golf) as their knowledge and experience increases. *
1 point
A Teaching Professional is employed as a golf instructor or a supervisor of golf instructors at a PGA Recognized Golf Facility, Golf School or Indoor Facility. *
1 point
All of the following are PGA PGM Level 1 courses except: *
1 point
Delegates to the Annual Meeting are comprised of: *
1 point
Primary duties of the President of the PGA of America include all of the following except: *
1 point
Within the PGA Constitution, regulations describe the by-laws in greater detail and are italicized. *
1 point
What is unique about the Independent Directors of the PGA *
1 point
Who has the authority to rescind a section charter? *
1 point
An individual who is employed part-time as an Assistant Professional under the supervision of the Director of Golf at a PGA Recognized Golf Facility is eligible for registration in the PGA PGM program *
1 point
Associates may have a secondary affiliation with a Section in which they officially reside in cases where this Section is different than their Section of principal employment. *
1 point
The term “PGA Recognized Professional Golf Association” refers to an international association of golf professionals. *
1 point
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