PANS/PANDAS Parenting Trauma & Support Coaching Group Interest Form
This group is for parents of PANS/PANDAS children and teens. We will spend a brief time for anyone who needs to share about their week, then transition to EMDR/Prolonged or Acute Traumatic Stress modalities.
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Parent Name
Email: *
Phone number *
City & State
What do you hope to get out of the group? Are you looking for more the support and commiserating piece of group, or for focused trauma recovery techniques?
How did you hear about this support group?
Which time works for you? PLEASE SELECT ALL that work with your schedule. 
Please write any questions you have below (answer not required):
Thank you!
Thank you for registering! 

Thank you and I look forward to serving YOU, the person whose been faithfully serving your family. It's your turn now! - Sara 
Sara Rodriguez, MSW

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