Petrichor Summer Camps 2021
There is a ton of fun happening at Petrichor this summer!
We'd love to have you join us for loads of outside time, projects, and exploration.

Tuition is $168/week for full day camps, and they run 9:00-3:30pm.

Amazing Artists and Water Works are special AM/PM camps.
AM sessions are 9-12 and PM sessions run 1-4pm. Tuition $99.

I will send you an invoice and additional camp details via email when you complete registration. Camp tuition is due by May 1st.
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Child's First and Last Name *If you are enrolling more than one child, each child requires his/her own registration form* *
Age *
What grade is your child entering this fall? *
Does your child have any known allergies? If yes, please list all known allergens. *
Parent's First and Last Name *
Phone Number *
Email *
Address *
What weeks of camp will your child attend? *
I understand that I will have to pay total tuition for the summer by May 1st, and I will complete additional paperwork and waivers on the first day of camp. *
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