Student Chapter Application Form
We ask that interested student chapter leaders fill out this form to the best of their ability. We will make sure to contact you about your application as soon as we review it. As soon as your application is approved we will reach out to you with more details about starting up! Please email with any questions and one of our team members will reach out to you ASAP. We thank you for your interest and patience!
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Chapter President Applicant Name *
First and last name
Chapter President Applicant #2 Name
Only fill out this space if you are applying with a friend to be co-presidents
Applicant Email *
Applicant Phone Number *
Chapter Affiliation (school or organization name) *
School/Organization Address *
Street Address, City, State, Zip Code
What year of school are you currently in? *
The mission of Fasting For Friends is to aid hunger relief in communities and increase youth involvement. In 200 words or less explain why you're interested in leading a chapter of Fasting For Friends and how you plan on leading your chapter to further our mission. *
How do you plan to recruit more members to your chapter? *
Please read the following statement and electronically sign your initials below. *
Once an application is approved by the parent organization, the Chapter President is required to read the Chapter-Organization Agreement to ensure that there is a clear understanding of the guidelines that a Chapter is expected to follow. By signing below, you understand that not agreeing to the Chapter-Organization Agreement, which will be sent to you after your application is approved, will make your application for the Chapter President position invalid.
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