LexYouth Learning Program - Teacher Registration

Welcome to LexYouth Learning Help Program, sponsored by CALex Education Committee.

If you are passionate about helping other students with their academic, art, language or technology needs, or if you have any talent or experience to share and tutor, please sign up through this form.  LexYouth program coordinators will respond shortly.

We believe through this program you will not only help other students advance by sharing your expertises, but also grow professional skills as a student tutor.  You can count your tutoring hours for your school community service or apply to The President’s Volunteer Service Award (https://calexma.org/cn/pvsa/).

Contact us: LexYouth2020@gmail.com

Thank you!

In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
E-Mail-Adresse *
Your full name *
Your phone number
Your current school and grade (e.g. LHS/10) *
Subjects to teach/help (pick one or more) *
Please describe your background, qualifications, and experiences *
Your available time (can be updated later) *
Hours you can contribute per week *
Are you willing to teach students with special needs who require extra patience? *
Parent's name *
Parent's email *
Parent's phone *
How did you hear about this program?
City/Town and State if the school is not in Lexington, MA
Your comments/questions
Parent/Guardian Waiver: By checking this box, you hereby permit the LexYouth Learning Help Program to contact your child regarding the tutoring program.   You also give LexYouth Learning Help Program permission to occasionally use group photos that may contain your child's picture for marketing purpose.  You understand that the LexYouth Learning Help Program does not regulate or control your child's conduct in the tutoring sessions. You agree to be solely responsible for your child's behavior and online safety through this tutoring program. You also agree to waive, release, and hold the LexYouth Learning Help Program harmless from all claims or liabilities of any kind arising from or relating to your child's participation in the LexYouth Learning Help Program. *
Sie erhalten unter der von Ihnen angegebenen E-Mail-Adresse eine Kopie Ihrer Antworten.
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