The role of organisational change and transformational leadership in psychological well-being among academic staff members in South Africa 
Dear participant, 

Thank you for your interest to participate in the research study conducted by Mr Henricho Theo Dixon, a Master of Commerce Candidate in the Department of Industrial Psychology at the University of the Western Cape. 

Kindly note that you will be required to read and complete the consent form below, before you may start with the questionnaire. You may stop or withdraw to participate in the study at any given time without any negative consequences. Additionally, you are reminded that participation in this study is completely voluntary. The data collected will be used strictly for academic purposes and the privacy, anonymity, and confidentiality of each participant will be protected and respected at all times. You will be required to respond to ALL statements. Your sincere responses would therefore be highly appreciated.  

Furthermore, it is important to mention that the researcher has obtained ethical clearance from all the selected higher education institutions. To access and view the information letter, ethical clearance certificate and University of KwaZulu-Natal site permission letter, you may follow the link: 

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the study, you are welcome to contact the researcher, Mr Henricho Theo Dixon via e-mail or on 072 990 1680. Alternatively, you may contact my supervisor Professor Marieta du Plessis via e-mail or on 021 959 3175. 

Many thanks, 
Mr Henricho Dixon 

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Consent Form

Project title: The role of organisational change and transformational leadership in psychological well-being among academic staff members in South Africa 
Please tick the boxes to show your agreement and understanding of what is expected for this study.
I confirm that I have read and understood the information sheet explaining the above research project and I have had the opportunity to ask questions about the project.
I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw at any time without giving any reason and without there being any negative consequences. In addition, should I wish to withdraw, I may contact the lead researcher at any time to do so.
I understand my responses and personal data will be kept strictly confidential.
I give permission for members of the research team to have access to my responses without revealing any part of my identity.
I understand that my name will not be linked with the research materials, and that I will not be identified or identifiable in the reports or publications that result for the research.
I hereby agree that my anonymized responses collected through the questionnaire can be used for this research.
I agree for the anonymized data collected to be used in future research.
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