Welcome to SCHS Bands!
Your first assignment for the school year is to complete this form. Please also be sure to fill out the other Google forms as necessary after completing this one.
Faça login no Google para salvar o que você já preencheu. Saiba mais
Name *
Grade *
Preferred E-mail Address (the one you'll check!) *
Please selected each of the bands you are playing in for this year: *
Why are you here? (Why did you sign up for band?) *
What are you most looking forward to this year? *
Are there any pieces of music/composers in particular you'd like to play this year? *
I know I am responsible for practicing my parts OUTSIDE of band class in order for us to make the most of rehearsal time. *
I understand that my actions directly impact the rest of my band. I will do my best to be present in rehearsal, to work for improvement with each class period, and to treat people and equipment with respect and care. *
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