RPG expression of interest form (Wyvern Tabletop Games Club)

Whether you’re new to RPGs, or a Level 20 Paladin, use this form to share your interest in joining tabletop role-play games (RPGs) via Wyvern Tabletop Games Club.

Note: We can’t guarantee any game at all. We'll use expressions of interest to help determine what games we might try and run.

Privacy: The information you provide here will be used only to help plan and organise potential gaming sessions or campaigns, and to contact you about such opportunities. Data is stored securely in mainstream cloud services. Otherwise we won't share your personal data with any external entity, and we won't expose email addresses to other gamers without your express permission.

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Email *
Name *
Optional. We'd only use this to call you if, for example, you were due at a planned session and there was some sort of problem in running the event, or to check-in if you were late or unable to attend.
Details on your experience and aspirations
As a potential player you don't need to provide any more information if you don't want to. If you just want to be included in general "there's a game coming up!" emails and have no particular preferences, then that's fine. But your preferences might help us decide what games to run.

As a potential gamemaster then you do need to provide some information below.
Your experience with RPGs
As a player
As a GM
"I'm totally new to this"
Played a few sessions
Played lots/campaign
I would be up for...
Please select all that apply
As a player
As a GM
one, or occasional sessions
a limited campaign
a longer campaign
playing RPGs during the scheduled "Second Sundays" Wyvern games night
playing RPGs in person, outside of the scheduled "Second Sundays" Wyvern games night
playing RPGs online, outside of the scheduled "Second Sundays" Wyvern games night
What games or systems interest you
As a player
As a GM
Fantasy genre in general
Sci-fi genre in general
Horror or gothic genre in general
Crime, detective, spy genre in general
Drama, melodrama genre in general
Dungeons & Dragons
The One Ring
Star Trek Adventures
Star Wars Roleplaying Game
Stars Without Number
Blades in the Dark
Kids on Bikes
Mörk Borg
Coyote & Crow
Corvus Belli : Infinity
Dark Souls RPG
Index Card RPG
Alien (Free League)
Vampire: The Masquerade
Powered By the Apocalypse
Walking Dead Universe
Any other genres or systems you're interested in
Past and future experiences
Anything else you want to share about you past experiences with RPGs, or what you want out of a RPG session
Anything you want to share about your availability, especially if you are interested in playing an RPG outside of the regularly-scheduled "Second Sundays" Wyvern games night. For example: any days/times you definitely can't do.
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