NYESS Talent Match Form

Dear Esteemed Employer,

Thank you for considering upskhill as a potential partner in fulfilling the talent needs within your organization. Through our Nigeria Youth Excellence in Sales and Service (NYESS) programme, we aim to equip entry and early-career professionals with the foundational and advanced skills required in the realms of customer service and sales, setting them on a path to contribute meaningfully to organizations like yours.

We are running two cohorts for the NYESS programme in 2024, with the first cohort undergoing training from July to September, and the second cohort from September to November. We want to inform you that trainees will only be ready for placement post-training, ensuring they come to you fully prepared and equipped with the latest industry knowledge and practical skills.

We invite you to share your organization's job opportunities and requirements through this form. Your participation will enable us to match your organization with the most suitable candidates from our pool of dedicated and skilled trainees. Together, we can foster a mutually beneficial relationship that not only supports your organizational goals but also contributes to the professional development and career success of our trainees.

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