Cadets @ New Street CRC Registration
We are excited to be able to start our Cadets boys group again. This year we are offering our program to boys in grade 7 & 8 as well. Grade 8 students have the choice of attending Cadets or FROGS.
We have a few things planned, but first we need you to fill out this form for each student attending youth group in your family. Please have this done by Thursday September 19th. All info will be kept private & confidential.
Acceder a Google para guardar el progreso. Más información
Correo electrónico *
Participant's Information
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Home address- including city & Postal code *
Birth Date:
School: *
Grade: *
Participant's Parent/Guardians name (mother if applicable): *
Participant's Parent/Guardians name (father if applicable):
Is there a custody arrangement or order we need to be aware of?
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Home landline #
Mother's cell phone: *
Father's cell phone
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